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Ross Valley Little League

Ross Valley Little League

Coaching Resources

Pitch Counts for Kids - Learn It - Know It - Love It


Pitcher Age
Maximum Pitches in a Game

Required Days of Rest Based on # of Pitches Thrown in a Game:
Pitches Thrown
Mandatory Calendar Days of Rest

The right hand column represents the # of calendar days the pitcher must go without pitching. So, if Johnny Smith throws 38 pitches on a Monday, then he would be required to sit-out Tuesday and Wednesday (2 calendar days) before being eligible to pitch again on Thursday.

If a pitcher reaches a pitch count threshold while facing a batter, the pitcher may finish that batter. For example, if a pitcher is starting a batter at (throwing pitch number) 35, the pitcher may finish that batter and would be eligible to pitch after 1 calendar day of rest as if they came out of the game at 35 pitches.

You can download pitching forms right here.

The HOME TEAM's tally represents the official pitch count for any given contest.

Coaches Notes on Pitching/Catching/Stealing

Additionally, please be aware of the following two items as it relates to catching and pitching on the same day: (1) If a child catches MORE THAN 3 innings, then he is NOT eligible to pitch later in that same game. This is strictly interpreted so even 1 batter beyond 3 full innings negates the catcher's ability to later take the mound. (2) Any pitcher who throws more than 40 pitches (i.e. 41 or more) in a game may NOT later play catcher in that same game.

Sample Practice Plan for Farm and TeeBall

Looking for some ideas on how to structure your practices? Here's an idea! Click Here (pdf)

Little League University

Little League University is intended to provide the Coach or Manager with the tools they need to be effective leaders of children, to run efficient and productive practices, and to teach children the baseball skills they need to be able to excel.

This service is provided at no cost by Little League International. Visit

Little League Coaching & Managing Main Page

News, links, resources and more, all at the click of a button.

Coaches/Manager's Role

A great article at Little League Online that discusses the role and reposnibility of managing our kids.

Datebase of Players

As a manager, you have online access to a team page for your team where you can post news, schedules, pictures and can also communicate with your team.


Ross Valley Little League
336 Bon Air Center PO Box 281, Fed ID Number - 94-6102259
Greenbrae, California 94904

Email: [email protected]

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