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Ross Valley Little League

Ross Valley Little League


Important information

There are typically 6 games on Saturday and another 6+ games during the week. We are always in need of qualified umpires.

Priority goes to the more senior umps first. We have a group that has from 4 to 8 years of previous experience and they are offered their choice of games first.

After that, priority goes to those umps that commit to a weekly assignment. If you would like a weekly assignment, you must contact me and tell me what days and times you are able to commit to on a weekly basis.

Those who cannot commit to a weekly assignment will be scheduled last and will be offered games if there are last minute cancellations.


We always have a new group of umps with no previous experience. To start, these umps will all be assigned as base umpire for one minors game. We will do our best to adjust the schedule for any conflicts so that every new ump gets in their first game as soon as possible. We will continue to make base umpiring assignments to this group using a rotation.

The best way to gain added experience is to be available when umpire slots become available at the last minute. Open slots will be posted on the web calendar as soon as they become available. By checking this site regularly and contacting me, you will likely get some extra games.

Keep in mind, however, that first year umps can only ump in the Minors and only on the bases until they are approved for work behind the plate.

Plate umpires:
We work first years into positions behind the plate as the season progresses, based on desire and ability. Typically, those with catching experience are more comfortable behind the plate. We will be reaching out at first to those with catching experience for assignments behind the plate.

If you feel you are capable of handling a plate assignment and would like to be considered, you will need to reach out to the Chief Umpire and let that person know. If time permits, we may do some additional training for first years before their first plate assignment.

If you accept a game and subsequently are unable to make it becuase you decided to go skiing at the last minute or something like that, you will be put back into the rotation at the back of the line. (If you got bumped by something beyond your control, like a rain-out or a family emergency, an attempt will be made to reassign you with priority).

If you do it twice, you will likely not get another assignment.

Umpire scheduling is a terribly time-consuming 4 dimensional puzzle. Anything you can do to make it easier for the scheduler will go in your plus column. Conversely anything you do that uses more of the scheduler's time will go in the minus column.


Ross Valley Little League
336 Bon Air Center PO Box 281, Fed ID Number - 94-6102259
Greenbrae, California 94904

Email: [email protected]

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